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Who am I?

My name is Gromiko and I am humble and quite frankly shocked that you stumbled on my
page. My job is really simple, I am here to serve you as it relates to fitness and nutrition. Period.
End of story.

Why Fitness Matters

If you are looking for body building tips; this isn’t for you
If you are looking for pro athlete training tips; this isn’t for you
If you are looking for some crazy workout program variations; this isn’t for you

I am a strength and nutrition coach that caters to us normal people: 

grandma wanting to lose weight because she wants to experience less pain when getting off the toilet 

or grandpa wanting to get stronger so he can walk long distances without needing a cane.

Those people.

Why listen to me?

You shouldn’t. You should listen to those who you genuinely feel are authentic and truthful
with zero expectations.

 I am just passionate about helping as many people as I can via fitness, if
that leads to you listening to me: 


If not 

No worries at all